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Why You Should be Wearing Sunglasses in Winter?

Why You Should be Wearing Sunglasses in Winter?

The inception of sunglasses is one that was born out of necessity. Its place as one of the most important accessories in the wardrobe is unmatched, as it serves its purpose irrespective of the season and environment, all while keeping you fashionable. A good pair of sunglasses is one that can fulfil many purposes within its simple constitution. While we shop for sunglasses we often focus on the aesthetics and how well the pair flatters our face shape and personality. It is important to remember that one should know the properties of the sunglasses as well, and how they can keep your eyes protected even in the winter months.

Women with sunglasses

The importance of wearing sunglasses in the winter may cause some intrigue, as we usually associate sunglasses with the summer as we combat the harsh rays of the sun. Sunglasses, at their very core, are protective eyewear that can keep the eyes safe in harsh conditions. Winters can be equally harsh on the eyes, which is why donning a pair of sunglasses in winter is advised. Sunglasses in the new decade, are equipped not simply with UV protective properties, but other filters and refractive customizations which make them a sophisticated accessory for all seasons. Therefore, let us look at why one should be wearing sunglasses in winter?

Sunglasses in Snow: The Origins

Our eyes are precious to us, and through millennia we have developed eyewear and eye care solutions to keep them safe and healthy for longer. Therefore, the study of sunglasses and their inceptions is fascinating, as their origins date to being an object of function in snow. One of the earliest prototypes of sunglasses dates to the Inuit tribe, who wore visor-like eye shields with small slits across each eye to limit glares from travelling over the snow under the sun. The run’s rays that were reflected by the snow were known to cause Snow Blindness.

The winters can also cause rough environments for the eye to register, causing strain and undue damage. Therefore, one should wear sunglasses in winter as their benefits are not simply limited to being a trendy summer accessory that keeps your eyes cool. Let us look at some of the benefits of wearing sunglasses in winter in detail.

Benefits of Wearing Sunglasses in Winter

When winter comes, do not put your shades away as they are instrumental in keeping your eyes healthy for the long run. One can find the same reasons for wearing sunglasses in summer, in the winter as well. The reasons are mostly unchanging, as the main goal is to keep the eyes protected from the sun all year round.

UV Protection in Winter

It often goes unnoticed, but the glare of the sun’s rays always seems stronger in winter. As the angle of the sun in the sky is lower than in summer, the glare reaches our eyes with increased intensity. Since the sun emits harmful UV radiation, which is detrimental to ocular health, wearing sunglasses in winter is important as well. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to many eye problems and blindness. Therefore, sunglasses hold the sun’s harsh rays at bay and keeps the eyes protected and cool.

Holds Macular Degeneration At Bay

Unfiltered exposure to the rays of the sun can lead to irreversible eye problems such as macular degeneration. It is an eye condition where the slow deterioration of the macula over time is exacerbated by UV rays which can lead to blurry vision and, blindness. One should keep their eyes protected all year round.

Prevents Skin Cancer

The skin around the eyes is especially vulnerable to UV radiation, and 10% of Skin Cancer diagnoses find cancerous development in the same area. Sunglasses can minimize the risk of developing Skin Cancer by keeping the skin safe and protected even in the winters.

Avoid Early-Onset Cataracts

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Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness, and the development of the same is prolonged exposure to sunlight. Since the winter months are just as harsh on the eyes as summer, one should invest in sunglasses in winter as they can keep their cataracts from forming because of unfiltered exposure.

Outdoor Glares and Protection from Snow Blindness

As aforementioned, the outdoor conditions in winter can be harsh as well. Due to the low-angled glare of the sun, the rays can limit one’s vision and hinder visibility. Here, sunglasses in winter are helpful in filtering out reflective glares from the field of vision, while keeping the line of sight clear and sharp. This is especially important for athletes like snowboarders who require polarized sunglasses that can prevent glare-caused eye damage. The prolonged exposure to snow-reflected glares can lead to snow blindness, which is why sunglasses in the winter is even more important.

Sunglasses, irrespective of the season are an essential part of our culture as well as our lifestyles today. Therefore, to find a pair of sunglasses that can be your companion in the winter months, head over to Fastrack Eyewear and browse through the best winter sunglasses, from winter sunglasses mens to winter sunglasses womens. All your needs are under one roof.

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